
At Coalway Infant School, we give the children the opportunity to actively experience listening to, composing and performing music. The emphasis is very much on the children being creative and having lots of opportunity to sing and make music. Our music curriculum is based on the national curriculum and is supported by Kapow music.


Gloucestershire music provide a 10 week block of professional music tuition each term. Y2 will experienced the violin and Y1 and YR will experience recorders. 


The children listen carefully and respond to a wide range of music. They play musical instruments and sing a variety of songs from memory, adding accompaniments and creating short compositions, with increasing confidence, imagination and control. The children enjoy exploring how sounds and silence can create different moods and effects. A growing awareness of musical appreciation and sensitivity is developed by using the children’s own compositions and performances and listening to a wide variety of recorded music of different styles.


Music is always an essential part of our whole school assemblies and productions, and the children all enjoy taking part in performances for their parents throughout the year. As part of each terms assembly, a composer and instrument will form part of the focus for learning. We provide an after school music club to engage and build upon the children’s interest further.