
We believe that all children can achieve at least, the age related expectations, in mathematics. At Coalway Community Infant School, our structured, small steps, progressive mathematics curriculum will support the children to know more and remember more. Our mathematics curriculum, builds from EYFS to Year 2 using CanDoMaths, which is based on the national curriculum. Our positive attitude to  mathematics learning is driven by our core values of kindness, respect, support, well-being and success.

Children will gain a deeper understanding of key mathematical concepts by using precise mathematical vocabulary, using concrete resources so that they can 'see' the maths and by using mistakes and misconceptions as a teaching focus. 

Maths is the foundation for understanding the world and we expect our children to know the purpose of their learning and then to apply their knowledge to their everyday lives, within our local community and on a global scale.

The whole class mastery approach to mathematics teaching, ensures that the learning focuses on the key mathematical concepts, through 'hands on' practice, to embed and apply the learning.  Our lesson design is prescriptive to remove concerns in remembering the instructions so that full concentration is on the learning. This also ensures a consistent approach across year groups and supports a progressive curriculum.

Our mastery mathematics lesson design

  1. Maths mantra
  2. Sharing of the key learning objective
  3. The hook: what do we notice, what do we see?
  4. Teach it: concrete resources, pictorial representations so the maths can be 'seen'
  5. I do: teacher models whilst verbalising the thought processes and decisions made
  6. We do: practice an example together, verbalising the learning
  7. You do: independent practice to determine understanding
  8. Challenge it: Colin question, using misconceptions and probing questions
  9. Deepen it: missing digits/symbols, generating the question, probing questions. (always/sometimes /never)  
  10. Lesson evaluation - Quiz