Governor Information

Coalway Community Infant School

Governor Information 

Mrs Kaye Turner is a Co-opted Governor appointed by the Governing Board.  Her term of office is 4 years, 13.10.22 – 12.10.26.  Mrs. Turner was previously a Parent Governor who served a 4-year term of office which ended on 06.02.18 and served as an Associate Member 07.02.18 -10.10.18.  She is elected Chairperson of the Governing Board, Vice-Chairperson of the Resources Committee, she is on the Pay Panel and is Link Governor for Premises/Health & Safety.

Mrs Claire Bushell is a Co-opted Governor appointed by the Governing Board. She is Link Governor for both Safeguarding & Children in Care and Curriculum. She has been a Governor at Coalway since November 2004. Her term of office is 4 years, 11.05.23 – 10.05.27.

Mr Matthew Fortet is an elected Co-Opted Governor, elected on 12.10.23 and is responsible for monitoring the School website and Early Years.  Mr. Fortet is elected Chairperson of the Resource Committee, Head Teacher's Performance Management Committee and the Pay Appeals Panel. His term of office is 4 years, 12.10.23 – 11.10.27.

Mr James Savage is an elected Parent Governor, elected on 15.05.24 and is Vice-Chairperson of the Governing Board.  His term of office is 4 years, 15.05.24 - 24.05.28.

Mrs Miriam Jordan is an elected Staff Governor. She is a Teaching Assistant who currently works in our Year 2 classes.  Mrs Jordan has been a member of the Governing Board since May 2022, her term of office is 4 years, 27.05.22 – 26.05.26.

Our Head Teacher, Mrs Hayley Alliston, is an ex-officio Governor who is a member of the Resources Committee.  Mrs. Alliston also meets regularly with all Governors who hold a specific individual responsibility on behalf of the Governing Board. Her knowledge and expertise informs the Governing Board and ensures that the governance it provides is effective in creating the very best opportunities and education for the children.

Miss H Virgo, has been elected as an Associate Member to the Governing Body.  Her term office is 12.10.23 - 11.10.27.   Miss Virgo is Deputy Head and Class Teacher of Class 4.

Ms D Cornes is the Clerk to the Governing Board. She has had experience in this role in her previous schools that she has worked in as School Secretary, Bursar.   Anyone who wishes to contact a member of the Governing Board should do so via Ms Cornes, either through the School Office or by email: or telephone: 01594 833457.











Updated July 2024