Extra Curricular Activities

We value the importance of enrichment in all curriculum subjects. As part of the planned curriculum for each year group, we aim to provide a trip, visitor or experience.


YR: Balance Ability with Progressive Sports (Autumn term)

Y1: Gymnastics at Five Acres Gymnasium (Summer term)

Y2: Swimming lessons at Lydney Pool (Summer Term)

Y2: climbing wall

All classes: outdoor adventure at Viney Hill Christian Adventure Centre

Music; Gloucestershire Music 10 week tuition

YR: recorder tuition (Summer term)

Y1: recorder tuition (Spring term)

Y2: violin tuition (Autumn term)

visiting pianist and on line music concerts


Visiting artists

Visit to a museum 

Nature in Art


Y1: visit to Gloucester Cathedral

All: visits to local worship buildings

Assembly visitors

Lighting of our Christingle, class assemblies 


YR: Christmas Performance

Y1: Spring term Performance

Y2: Leavers production

author visits and online story sessions

visits to Coleford Library

Y2 visit to the theatre  

Librarian visit


YR: members of our community to share memories

YR: visit to Perry Grove steam train

YR: visit to a castle

Y1; visit to the National Living Museum Cardiff

Y2: National Archives on line webinars, visit to a museum 

Y2 visit to Bristol aerospace 

Science (more to follow)

Y2: visit to the wild Place (Bristol Zoo)

Roaming Reptiles visit


YR: walk around our local area

Y1: comparison between Coleford town and Gloucester City (field trip)

Y2: field trip to the coast


all classes visit to the Life Bus